Fotos der Woche 3. Februar 2023
Photos und Videos der Woche: 3. Februar, 2023
Italien - Fest des hl. Vitaliano (Papst), Patron des Priesterseminars
Italien - Einkleidung von 10 Novizen
Brasilien - Ende des Exerzitienmonates (Monatsexerzitien)
Brasilien - Ende der Monatsexerzitien
Ukraine - Studium der Konstitutionen im Ausbildungshaus
Spanien - Konferenz zum Triduum des Kindes Jesu vom Wunder im Kloster von Alcoy
Spain - Procession and Mass in the Feast of the Child Jesus of the Miracle in the Monastery of Alcoy
Spain - Visit to the Monastery of the Holy Sepulchre, in Alcoy
Taiwan - Fest der Darstellung des Herrn von Unserer Lieben Frau von Sheshan
Paraguay - Primizmesse von P. Adrián Figueredo in der Pfarrei Cristo Rey - Ciudad del Este
Peru - Exercises of the Month / Monatsexerzitien
Italy - Fest der Darstellung des Herrn in Rom
Ukraine - Besuch bei den Älteren
Ukraine - Heilige Messe in Kramatorsk
Ukraine - Weihnachten in Donetsk
Ukraine - Fest des Hl. Don Bosco im Oratorium
Uzbekistan - Taufe eines jungen Mannes
Uzbekistán - Fest von Don Bosco im Oratorium
Brasilien - Geistliche Exerzitien in Bahia
Brasilien - Institution des Sel. Carlo Acutis Parish, at the Ítalo Brasileiro University Center
Brasilien - Geistliche Exerzitien für Universitätsstudenten
Argentina - Mass and blessing of the multipurpose room of the Mailin neighborhood in Los Juríes
Ecuador - First Mass of Fr. Juan Carlos Cuenca in the Parish of San Pío de Pietrelcina
Ecuador - Erstkommunion in der Pfarrei von San Luis Rey de Francia
Ecuador - Erstkommunion in der Pfarrei des hl. Pater Pío de Pietrelcina
Ecuador - Triduum of Consecrated Life in the Diocese of Loja
Spain - Geistliche Exerzitien für Frauen in Barcelona
Asia - Pilgrimage to Macao of the Third Order of Hong Kong
France - Visit of Bishop Dominique Rey to the Parish
Gaza - Adoration with the children of the Oratory
Gaza - Mass for justice and peace in the Church of the Christian Quarter of Gaza
Italy - Feast of Saint John Bosco in the Oratory in Turin
Papúa - Isla de Bouganville
Jordan - Ajlon Castle Visit
Russia - Ski trip with young people from Kazan
Russia - Winter camp for children
Russia- Visit to the Orthodox Monastery on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Tajikistan - Feast of Don Bosco in the Oratory
Syria - Holy Mass at the Center of Our Lady of the Annunciation
Argentina - meeting of the apostolic sisters
Philippines - Spiritual Exercises for women
Ukraine - Inauguration of the 'Good Samaritan' shelter in Odessa
Ukraine - Beginning of the year of catechism in Odessa
Taiwan - Anniversary of the death of the first missionary to Kinmen, Fr. Bernardo María Druetto
Macao - Pilgrimage to Vila de Nossa Senhora in Ká Hó
Macau - Activities at school
United States - Feast of Don Bosco at the Oratory in Maryland
USA - Open House of the school in Perth Amboy, New Jersey
USA - Special school lunch in Perth Amboy, New Jersey
Ecuador - Activities with the Immaculate Parish of Llano Grande in Quito
Switzerland - Skiing with the university girls
Jornada de estudios «Santos Cirilo y Metodio» - Tráiler
04 El amor humano - Lic. Marcos Randle
Winter Youth Fest 2023 Recap
La bondad de Santo Tomás de Aquino | Firmes en la fe - P. Gabriel Zapata
Méditation de l'Evangile - IV- Temps Ordinaire/A
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