Fotos der Woche 9. Dezember 2022
Wochenschau IVE-SSVM
Feste und Feiern
Argentina - 25th Priesterjubiläum
Argentina - Priester- und Diakonenweihen
Ukraine - Einkleidung
Tanzania - Weihe und Thronerhebung des hl. Herzens Jesu im Ausbildungshaus
Brasilien - Katechismus-Einkehrtag im Ausbildungshaus
Brasilien - Catechism Retreat at the Major Seminary
Häuser der Nächstenliebe
Ägypgten - Novene zur Jungfrau von Guadalupe
Ägypten - Pfarrbesuch im Haus
Peru - Volunteers at the San Anibal di Francia Home (Freiwilligendienst)
Heiliges Land - (Freiwilligendienst) Volunteers at the Hogar Niño Dios in Bethlehem
Griechenland - Fest von hl. Nicholas in Tinos
Ukraine - Bibelstudium in Dubove
Ukraine - Pilgerreise mit Pfarrangehörigen nach Polen
Taiwan - Rosenkranz im Familienheim
Taiwan - Aktivitäten mit Kindern
Syria - Feast of Saint Barbara in Aleppo
Peru - Erstkommunion in Limatambo
Papua - New Generator for School
Papua - Holy Trinity School Graduations
Kazakhstan - Feast of Saint Nicholas
Kazakhstan - Eucharistic Adoration
Russia - First Vespers of the Immaculate Conception in Kazan
Russia - Start of Rorate Masses
Russia - 1st anniversary of the mission in Samara
Russia - House tours in Ulyanovsk
Syria - Feast of Saint Barbara with the Third Order in Aleppo
Tanzania - First Communion of 21 children
Argentina - Holy Mass with the Archbishop of Rosario in the Church of the Geriatric Hospita
Argentina - Volunteering of the Voices of the Word in the hospital in La Plata
Iceland - Rorate Mass
Philippines - A pro-life family
Argentina - Bioethics Course in Santa Fe
Argentina - Image of the Virgen del Rosario for the Church of the Geriatric Hospital
Argentina - First Communions in the San Isidro Chapel, 50 km from Los Juríes
Argentina - Preparations for Christmas with the adoring children in Los Juríes
Papua - Promise of Chastity until the marriage of 5 young people from the Parish
Jordan - Mass at Amman school in preparation for Christmas
Jordan - Planning preparations for Christmas
Jordan - Advent Retreat in Amman
Iraq - Holy Mass at UNAMI
Hong Kong - Visiting the sick
Gaza - Preparations for Christmas
Gaza - Visit and annual work of the Embassy of Brazil in the Catholic Parish of Gaza
Philippines - Last day of the Bible Course
Ecuador - Mass at the San Pío de Pietrelcina School
Ecuador - Last day of Catechism in the Parish of San Pío de Pietrelcina
Ecuador - Last Catechism retreat in the Parish of San Pío de Pietrelcina
Egypt - Meeting of youth in Bani Muhamadat
United States - Departure in Alaska
Brazil - Spiritual Exercises in the Immaculate Conception Parish
Argentina - First Communions in Los Juries
Argentina - Blessing of icons of the students of the San Miguel Arcángel High School
Italy - Einkleidung kontemplatives Noviziat 2022
LATIDOS / 17. Alejandro Magno
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